How Do Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles Work?

Published Feb 25, 2015 Updated Mar 14, 2018

The side of an electric vehicle.
Hyundai Motor America

燃料电池汽车使用氢气为电动机提供动力. Unlike conventional vehicles which run on gasoline or diesel, 燃料电池汽车和卡车将氢和氧结合起来发电, which runs a motor. Since they’re powered entirely by electricity, 燃料电池汽车被认为是电动汽车(“ev”),但与其他电动汽车不同, 它们的续航里程和加油过程与传统汽车和卡车相当.

将氢气转化为电能只会产生水和热作为副产品, 这意味着燃料电池汽车在行驶时不会产生尾气污染. Producing the hydrogen itself can lead to pollution, including greenhouse gas emissions, 但即使燃料来自最肮脏的氢源之一, natural gas, today’s early fuel cell cars and trucks can cut emissions by over 30 percent when compared with their gasoline-powered counterparts. Future renewable fuel standards—such as the requirements currently in place in California—could make hydrogen even cleaner.

因为燃料电池汽车才刚刚开始进入美国市场, interested drivers should ensure they live near hydrogen refueling stations.

Hydrogen fuel cell features


Refueling a fuel cell vehicle is comparable to refueling a conventional car or truck; pressurized hydrogen is sold at hydrogen refueling stations, taking less than 10 minutes to fill current models. Some leases may cover the cost of refueling entirely. Once filled, the driving ranges of a fuel cell vehicle vary, 但与纯汽油或柴油汽车的行驶里程(200-300英里)相似。. 与通过插电充电的纯电动汽车相比,它的组合速度更快, 集中加油和更长的行驶里程使得燃料电池特别适合长距离行驶的大型车辆, or for drivers who lack plug-in access at home.

Like other EVs, fuel cell cars and trucks can employ idle-off,它会在停车标志或交通堵塞时关闭燃料电池. In certain driving modes, regenerative braking is used to capture lost energy and charge the battery.

Differences between fuel cell cars and other EVs

Battery electric vehicles run off an electric motor and battery. This offers them increased efficiency and, like fuel cell vehicles, 当电力来自可再生能源时,它们可以实现零排放. Unlike fuel cell cars and trucks, 纯电动汽车可以利用现有的基础设施进行充电, but must be plugged in for extended periods of time. Learn more about how battery electrics work.

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles 是否类似于电池电动汽车,但也有传统的汽油或柴油发动机. 这使得他们可以只靠电力行驶很短的距离, switching to liquid fuel for longer trips. 尽管不像电池电动汽车或燃料电池汽车那样清洁, 插电式混合动力车比传统混合动力车产生的污染要少得多. Learn more about how plug-in vehicles work.

Conventional hybrids 也有传统的引擎,电动马达和电池,但不能插电. Though cleaner than conventional cars and trucks, 非插电式混合动力车的动力全部来自汽油和柴油, and aren’t considered electric vehicles. Learn more about how hybrids work.

Learn more about electric vehicle technology here,包括它作为全国节油解决方案的潜力.

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